As with any Apple product, its shape would be determined by its function. This would be a workplace where people were open to each other and open to nature, and the key to that would be modular sections, known as pods, for work or collaboration. Jobs’ idea was to repeat those pods over and over: pod for office work, pod for teamwork, pod for socializing, like a piano roll playing a Philip Glass composition. They would be distributed democratically. Not even the CEO would get a suite or a similar incongruity. And while the company has long been notorious for internal secrecy, compartmentalizing its projects on a need-to-know basis, Jobs seemed to be proposing a more porous structure where ideas would be more freely shared across common spaces. Not totally open, of course—Ive’s design studio, for instance, would be shrouded by translucent glass—but more open than Infinite Loop. – Steven Levy,
Steven Levy von Wired war im neuen Campus von Apple, dem ‚Apple-Park‘ zu Gast und beschreibt in einem langen aber sehr schön geschriebenen Artikel von speziell gestalteten Büros, von Türgriffen, die aus dem gleichen Aluminium wie die MacBooks gemacht sind und von Visionen des Apple Gründers Steve Jobs, die im neuen ‚Apple-Park‘ ihren Platz finden.
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